Exception when registering a familiar type of client

I am using .NET remoting for communication between client and server. I implemented a client application and caught an exception by registering an object on the client using "RegisterWellKnownClientType". An exception is "an attempt was made to redirect an activation of a type that is already redirected." I only get this exception when I register the object a second time. Here's some code that illustrates this:

IpcClientChannel clientChannel = new IpcClientChannel();
      ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(clientChannel, true);
      RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownClientType(typeof(RemoteTester), m_remoteUrl);             


This code is implemented in mine ClientClass

. Initially, I create an object, say myClient

of ClientClass

, to access the methods exposed by that class. It also includes a method for registering an object on the client. When this object ( myClient

) is located, I create another instance ClientClass

and access the method that registers the object with the client. During this process, I am getting the above exception. The object registration method on the client is used to make remote calls to the server.

Let me know if I'm missing something here.

Thanks, Mustaq


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2 answers

IsWellKnownClientType (.., ..), this method does not return bool, it returns WellKnownClientTypeEntry

when checking if the specified System.Type object is registered as a well-known client type. if WellKnownClientTypeEntry is null then not registered.

Here is my code to solve the problem. hope it helps you ...

WellKnownClientTypeEntry entry = RemotingConfiguration.IsWellKnownClientType (typeof (RemoteConverter));

if (entry == null) {RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownClientType (typeof (RemoteConverter), "http: // localhost: 4000 / ServiceURI"); }

RemoteConverter remoteConverter = new RemoteConverter ();

now call remorte Methods remoteConverter.RemoteMethod (.......)




Test if you've already registered the client type like this:

if (RemotingConfiguration.IsWellKnownClientType(typeof(RemoteTester)) == false) {
    // register
    RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownClientType(typeof(RemoteTester), ...





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