VisualSVN Server Maintenance

I am having difficulty connecting to my VisualSVN Server repository from computers outside of my home network.

So far I've only tried to replace my computer name with my computer IP in the repository url, but that doesn't work;



Can you point me to what steps I need so that I can serve the repository to external computers?


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2 answers

You will probably need to set up some kind of dynamic DNS solution like DynDNS , which allows you to access your computer using a fixed name (even if its IP address changes).



Are you using VisualSVN Server ? If not, DO it will make your life a lot easier.

some other things:

  • use the IP address (don't use either, use EXTERNAL IP so you can get it from outside) and NOT YOUR COMPUTER NAME for the repo location
  • make sure the port is open on your router and firewall.
  • make sure you give the port number when connecting to your repo

To respond to your comment:

Right click on your server (in VisualSVN Server Manager), open Properties and then click on the Networking tab - you will see the port. When you connect to your repo, do the following:

(8443 is the port number, is your IP address)



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