Recommended method to download tweets based on search and save conditions

I want to download tweets based on certain search terms. I know HTTP GET and methods like this, but I'm not sure what is the best way to create a simple executable that downloads tweets and stores them for later analysis.

Any ideas? I'm a basic programmer - if you say "use curl" I know roughly what you mean, but not how to set up an application to run curl commands!

Hence my dilemma.

Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

You can absolutely do this in C # or any other language.

From a very rudimentary point of view, the Twitter API wiki will tell you how, but I know this is not what you are really asking.

I would advise you to familiarize yourself with a good API like Tweetsharp , which also has methods for not only getting your typical timelines, but also using search. The benefit of this (besides the need to not do native serialization, etc.) is that it unifies timing and lookup calls as they actually differ slightly from the API.

The downside to this approach is that you won't be able to translate it directly to the Mac, unless you write it with Silverlight.

The top approach to this approach is that Tweetsharp gives you several options for how it gives you data, which in turn gives you several options for saving data.



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