Strange Html.ActionLink () behavior after upgrading to beta 1

I updated a large ASP.NET MVC application that I was working on to the latest beta today, and after some initial problems, it basically works again for me. The big problem is that I have things like this:

<%= Html.ActionLink("LOGIN", "Index", "Authorization", new { redirect=Request.Url })%>



<%= Html.ActionLink("Edit this page", "Edit", "Webpages", new { id = wp.Id })%>


This will display links as:



Although at different "lengths". I have no idea why this is happening; as if my route tables went completely insane. "calendar / edit / {id}" is a valid route, but about the fourth on the list. They have worked great before.

I kind of figure it out, trying to figure out what's going on ... The link text looks great; it is just the url of some ActionLink calls that I am not working. Some of them work fine. Here's an example of one that works great:

<%= Html.ActionLink("ADMIN", "Index", "ControlPanel") %>


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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1 answer

From looking at the method signatures in ActionLink it looks like they have changed and it matches the following:

ActionLink( string linkText, string action,
            object values, object htmlAttributes );


I would try adding null htmlAttributes to the end of the ones that don't work so that it uses this one:

ActionLink( string linkText, string action, string controller,
            object values, object htmlAttributes );


It will look like this:

<%= Html.ActionLink("LOGIN",
                    new { redirect=Request.Url },
                    null )%>


The source code for MVC Beta 1 is located at (SCC server 12/18/2008 1: 16Pm CST is not available at this time). I found signatures via intellisense.



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