How do I bind Emacs to set a variable?

I have a variable in Emacs called my-var that I would like to set when I press Cv. How should I do it? I've tried this:

(defun set-my-var (value)
  "set my var"
  (defvar my-var value
    "a variable of mine")

(global-set-key "\C-v" 'set-my-var)


But it fails:

call-interactively: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (value) "set my var"
(interactive) (defvar my-var value "a variable of mine")), 0



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3 answers

In fact, defvar doesn't do what you think it does: it only changes the value if there was no value before. Here's a snippet that accomplishes what you're looking for using the CTRL-u argument:

(defun set-my-var (value)
  "Revised version by Charlie Martin"
  (interactive "p")
  (setq my-var value))


and here is an example, the code from the buffer *scratch*

(defun set-my-var (value)
  "Revised version by Charlie Martin"
  (interactive "p")
  (setq my-var value)) ; do ^J to evaluate the defun form, showing return in the buffer.

(global-set-key "\C-v" 'set-my-var)
 ;Another ^J

;;; Now, what the value after ^U^V?
;;; Now ^U 8 ^V
;;; now ^U^U^V




It's in the argument. Take a look at the text I just posted about (interactive)

. When you bind set-my-var

to a key it looks for an argument, but since you used (interactive)

there were no arguments. What you wanted is something like (interactive "p")

to get an argument CTRL-u

or (interactive "M")

to get a string.

Read the EMACS Lisp manual on "Using Interactive".



A few other tips:

  • CTRL-v is the standard bind and is quite heavily used ( scroll-up

    ). You'd be better off finding something that is not otherwise used. Canonically, they will be added to CTRL-c

  • It's no stranger to treating parens as if they were C staples. This is a better (more familiar) LISP style for all of us who might read your code to close all the parens at the end.


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