Why is DataViewManager not sorting?

First of all, a quick rundown of what the code does. I have two tables: companies and customers. There is one to many relationships between companies and customers (one company can have many customers).

In some processing logic, I have both tables loaded into the DataSet - each one is DataTables. I added a DataRelation to establish the relationship and it works when I use GetChildRows on the records from the companies table.

However, I need to sort the returned records. After some users run into errors, it looks like DataViewManager is the way to go and I've gone through a few basic examples. However, I am unable to sort the lines. Am I missing something or am I not using this, how should it be used? Sample code:

Dim ldvmManager As New DataViewManager(mdsData)
ldvmManager.DataViewSettings("Companies").Sort = "comName ASC"
ldvmManager.DataViewSettings("Clients").ApplyDefaultSort = False
ldvmManager.DataViewSettings("Clients").Sort = "entLastName ASC, entFirstName ASC"

For Each mdrCurrentCompany in ldvmManager.DataViewSettings("Companies").Table.Rows
    Dim ldrClients() as DataRow = mdrCurrentCompany.GetChildRows("CompaniesClients")


No matter what I do, the first customer returned has a last name starting with "B" and the second one starting with "A". From there the order is all messed up. If I use all of my data instead of the subset I used for testing, the first client returned has a last name that starts with "J". It looks like it is still using the default sorting used before I tried to use the DataViewManager.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

I think you should be using DataView to get sorted view of DataTable.

Looking at the MSDN doc it seems that the DataViewManager keeps the default settings (as in the DataTable when they are created).

Someone who has worked with this can shed some light on this.



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