How can I convert an object of type IEnumerable <Foo> to IEnumerable <IFoo> if passed to a function as an object?

I am trying to raise a parameter passed as an object (which is an upcast of an object of type IEnumerable) to IEnumerable, where Foo implements IFoo.

Here is an example of what I would like to do, but it doesn't work.

public void F(object o)
    //I know the object o is of type IEnumerable<Foo> where Foo implements IFoo
    IEnumerable<IFoo> ifoos = (IEnumerable<IFoo>) o);


Is there a job? I don't want the F Foo function to be specific, but I cannot get it to pass to the interface, unless I do:

IEnumerable<IFoo> ifoos = (IEnumerable<Foo>) o).Select( f => (IFoo) f);





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2 answers

Before .NET 4.0, you can't - IEnumerable<T>

is invariant until .NET 4.0.

With .NET 4.0, the code you posted will work fine.

In .NET 3.5, you can use Enumerable.Cast


public void F(object o)
    IEnumerable<IFoo> ifoos = ((IEnumerable) o).Cast<IFoo>();


It basically uses a weakly typed one IEnumerable

(which extends both IEnumerable<Foo>

and IEnumerable<IFoo>

so the cast would be fine) and then applies a method Cast<T>

that will basically bind another iterator to do the cast on each element. This action will work if Foo : IFoo

, so everything will be fine.

In .NET 2.0, you mostly have to write Cast

yourself, which is easy enough - especially if you don't need to do keyboard shortcuts:

public static IEnumerable<TResult> Cast<TSource, TResult>
    (IEnumerable<TSource> source)
    foreach(TSource item in source)
        yield return (TResult) (object) item;


The double throw is a little awkward, but it works ...



Would a general method be acceptable?

interface IFoo { }
class Foo : IFoo { }
static void F<T>(IEnumerable<T> data) where T : IFoo
    foreach(T item in data) {
       // compiler knows that `item` is an `IFoo` etc

List<Foo> foos = new List<Foo>();


Otherwise; wait for .NET 4.0 / C # 4.0 / VS2010.



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