Programmatic navigation via context menu in .NET WinForms Framework 2.0

I have a Windows Forms Application written in VB.NET 2.0 framework.

I have a grid that has an associated context menu with the following structure:

MenuItem2 -->
             SubMenuItem2 -->


I want to display a context menu when a specific key is pressed inside the grid and select programmatically 'SubMenuItem1'


I can display the context menu by calling the Show () method on the context menu item from a grid event KeyUp

like this:

contextMenu.Show(MainForm.GetSingleton(), Cursor.Position)


However, I cannot figure out how to programmatically select an item in a submenu or submenu.

Can anyone please help?


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1 answer

It might be the biggest ugliest piece of code if someone shows up five minutes later with something like: ToolStripMenuItem8.selectAllParents (). But as far as I could see, there was no such feature.

So here's what I could come up with:

    Private Sub openTSMitem(ByVal menu As ContextMenuStrip, ByVal selectitem As ToolStripMenuItem)

    'The menu needs to be open befor we call ShowDropDown

    'The list will first contain the parents in the order of bottom to top
    'then we will reverse it so we can open the submenus from top to bottom
    'otherwise it will not open them all
    Dim parentsRevOrder As ArrayList = New ArrayList()

    'Add the parents to the list
    Dim parentItem As ToolStripMenuItem = selectitem.OwnerItem
    While Not parentItem Is Nothing
        parentItem = parentItem.OwnerItem
    End While
    'reverse the list. now its in the order top to bottom
    'and the submenus will open correctly

    'now loop through and open the submenus
    For Each tsiParent As ToolStripMenuItem In parentsRevOrder

    'and finally select the menuItem we want

End Sub


And then call sub:

openTSMitem(ContextMenuStrip1, ToolStripMenuItem8)


Hope it helps.

Edit: I just saw that the comments and code are a bit messed up in the answer, just paste it into Visual Studio and it should look just fine.



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