Trace in Opera Dragonfly

I am using Opera on Windows PC and developing for device. I can connect to the telnet device and manually launch the browser which gives me the browser output.

Is it possible to trace messages in both Dragonfly and Opera Console? I can see a window.alert () message appear on the console, but I would also like to trace messages for easier debugging and state tracking in both Dragonfly on PC and Opera on device.


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2 answers

function debug(text) {
  ((window.console && console.log) ||
   (window.opera && opera.postError) ||
   window.alert).call(this, text);


I'm not sure if this will solve your problems (I don't have much experience with Dragonfly), but it seems that opera.postError is a generic API call for console logging in Opera.



console.log will work in Opera and Dragonfly from Opera 11. We have added support for the Console API and the Firebug command line API. See for details .



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