C # /. NET 2.0: Problem with Repeater controller and checkboxes inside a custom control!

I have a relay control with a checkbox, if I check the checkbox then my delete function will delete the item in the base table.

When I test the delete function on the aspx page with code by page everything works fine. Hooray!

However, when I take a repeater and put it in User Control, the delete function thinks that my repeater controller has no items.

Code as below, I tried to exclude unnecessary code. I asked this question on the asp.net forums but no one answered!


<%@ Control  AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="Moto.Web.UI.UserControls.Messages.MessageListForm" Language="C#" %>

<asp:button id="btnDelete" runat="server" text="Delete" OnClick="btnDelete_Click" ></asp:button>

<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterMessageList"  runat="server" EnableViewState="true" >
    <ItemTemplate >
        <div class="messageContainer item" >
            <div class="messageListLeft">
                <div class="messageList">  
                    <asp:Image ID="imgUser" runat="server" CssClass="" />
                    <asp:CheckBox ID="chkDeleteMe" runat="server" Text="test" />



File code:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;

namespace Moto.Web.UI.UserControls.Messages
    public class MessageListForm : Moto.Web.UI.UserControls.UserControl//System.Web.UI.UserControl
        private string userGUID;
        private MembershipUser MembershipUser;
        private Moto.Business.UserComponent userComponent;
        private Moto.Business.User user;
        private Button cmdPrev;
        private Button cmdNext;
        private Button cmdNewest;
        private Button cmdOldest;
        private Label lblCurrentPage;
        private Label lblMessage;
        private HyperLink hypPageRedirect;
        private Repeater RepeaterMessageList;
        private MessageView DisplayMessages = MessageView.Inbox;//default setting

        private Button btnDelete;
        private Label lblConfirmDelete;
        protected Button btnConfirmDelete;
        protected Button btnCancelDelete;

        enum MessageView
            Inbox,  //0
            Sent    //1

        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

        protected void InitializePage()
            this.cmdNext = (Button)FindControl("cmdNext");
            this.cmdPrev = (Button)FindControl("cmdPrev");
            this.cmdOldest = (Button)FindControl("cmdOldest");
            this.cmdNewest = (Button)FindControl("cmdNewest");
            this.lblCurrentPage = (Label)FindControl("lblCurrentPage");
 //           this.RepeaterMessageList = (Repeater)FindControl("RepeaterMessageList");

            this.RepeaterMessageList = (Repeater)FindControlRecursive(this, "RepeaterMessageList");

            this.hypPageRedirect = (HyperLink)FindControl("hypPageRedirect");
            this.lblMessage = (Label)FindControl("lblMessage");
            //delete functionality
            this.btnDelete = (Button)FindControl("btnDelete");
            this.lblConfirmDelete = (Label)FindControl("lblConfirmDelete");
            this.btnConfirmDelete = (Button)FindControl("btnConfirmDelete");
            this.btnCancelDelete = (Button)FindControl("btnCancelDelete");

            //where are we coming from - are we the Logged in user or just a voyeur?
            if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                this.userComponent = new Moto.Business.UserComponent();

                this.MembershipUser = Membership.GetUser();//user logged in
                this.userGUID = this.MembershipUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString();//signed in user
                this.user = this.userComponent.GetByUserGUID(this.userGUID);

            if (null != this.Page.Request.QueryString["viewing"])
                //reset the enum value
                DisplayMessages = this.Page.Request.QueryString["viewing"].ToLower() == "sent" ? MessageView.Sent : MessageView.Inbox;
                CurrentPage = 0;//if it a redirect then reset the Current Page

        void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                ItemsGet();//on post back we'll call it elsewhere

            switch (DisplayMessages)
                case MessageView.Sent:
                    this.hypPageRedirect.Text += "Inbox";
                    this.hypPageRedirect.NavigateUrl += "?viewing=Inbox";
                case MessageView.Inbox:
                    this.hypPageRedirect.Text += "Sent Items";
                    this.hypPageRedirect.NavigateUrl += "?viewing=Sent";


        protected void cmdPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set viewstate variable to the previous page
            CurrentPage -= 1;

            // Reload control

        protected void cmdNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set viewstate variable to the next page
            CurrentPage += 1;

            // Reload control

        protected void cmdNewest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set viewstate variable to the previous page
            CurrentPage = 0;

            // Reload control

        protected void cmdOldest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        public void RepeaterMessageList_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)

            // Execute the following logic for Items and Alternating Items.
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)

                //Are we vieing the Inbox or Sent items?
                if (DisplayMessages == MessageView.Inbox)
                    .........Do stuff
                    .........Do stuff

        private void ItemsGet()
//            this.RepeaterMessageList = (Repeater)FindControl("RepeaterMessageList");
            this.RepeaterMessageList.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(RepeaterMessageList_ItemDataBound);

            // Populate the repeater control with the Items DataSet
            PagedDataSource objPds = new PagedDataSource();

            if (DisplayMessages == MessageView.Inbox)//which table are we getting data from?
                List<Moto.Business.MessageReceived> messages;
                Moto.Business.MessageReceivedComponent messageComponent =
                    new Moto.Business.MessageReceivedComponent();
                messages = messageComponent.GetByReceiverGUID(this.user.UserGUID);

                objPds.DataSource = messages;
                List<Moto.Business.MessageSent> messages;
                Moto.Business.MessageSentComponent messageComponent =
                    new Moto.Business.MessageSentComponent();
                messages = messageComponent.GetBySenderGUID(this.user.UserGUID);

                objPds.DataSource = messages; //Items.Tables[0].DefaultView;

            // Indicate that the data should be paged
            objPds.AllowPaging = true;

            // Set the number of items you wish to display per page
            objPds.PageSize = 25;

            // Set the PagedDataSource current page
            objPds.CurrentPageIndex = CurrentPage;

            this.lblCurrentPage.Text = "Page " + (CurrentPage + 1).ToString() + " of "
                + objPds.PageCount.ToString();

            // Disable Prev or Next buttons if necessary
            this.cmdPrev.Enabled = !objPds.IsFirstPage;
            this.cmdNext.Enabled = !objPds.IsLastPage;
            this.cmdOldest.Enabled = !objPds.IsLastPage;
            this.cmdNewest.Enabled = !objPds.IsFirstPage;

            this.RepeaterMessageList.DataSource = objPds;

        public int CurrentPage
                // look for current page in ViewState
                object o = this.ViewState["_messagesCurrentPage"];
                if (o == null)
                    return 0; // default page index of 0
                    return (int)o;

                this.ViewState["_messagesCurrentPage"] = value;
        protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            foreach (RepeaterItem item in this.RepeaterMessageList.Items)
                CheckBox chkDeleteMe = item.FindControl("chkDeleteMe") as CheckBox;
                TextBox test = item.FindControl("test") as TextBox;
                if (chkDeleteMe.Checked)
                    if (DisplayMessages == MessageView.Inbox)//which table are we getting data from?
                    .........Do stuff

                    .........Do stuff

            // Reload control

        protected Control FindControlRecursive(Control root, string id)
            if (root.ID == id)
                return root;

            foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
                Control t = FindControlRecursive(c, id);
                if (t != null)
                    return t;
            return null;



Any help is greatly appreciated!


source to share

5 answers

I think the problem is that when the Delete button is clicked, the Page_Load is fired again, and after posting it back, it doesn't execute the ItemsGet method and hence the relay has no data.

Try putting your ItemsGet method call in the OnPreRender event instead of Page_Load.




So it binds to the relay and displays all the items correctly, but nothing was found when re-viewing the list of items by post back?

Is the delete event definitely fired? What is visible after clicking the delete button? (for example this table is empty or still displays all items)


Comment out the GetItems method and see if the table is empty or not on postback. It looks like your viewstate relays are no longer populating the control or whatever.



The Delete event fires, but in the fornext ... loop, the repeater thinks it has no elements.

After the loop, it calls the ItemsGet () method, which returns all the data from the table.



Try moving the InitializePage () method to a different location. I don't know why, but I had the same problem and the problem was that I am trying to access some of the controls in the OnInit event. I went to the OnPreLoad () event and it works.

I hope to help you ...



PreRender's solution also worked in our case, where we had code like this on two pages of our application. This worked fine in .Net 1.1, but however it broke when we ported this code to .Net 2.0.

Not sure why it broke without any major changes to the codebase.

Thanks for the OnPreRender tip!




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