Disable all Validator elements on the page.

In the early stages of the dev cycle, it is a little annoying to have all the validations check by applying their rules if we just want to move quickly from form to form.

What's the easiest way to disable all validation elements on a page?


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5 answers

Set up javascript to get all validation elements in your page and set them to false in a for loop, something like this will work

function DisablePageValidators()
 if ((typeof(Page_Validators) != "undefined") && (Page_Validators != null)) 
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
        ValidatorEnable(Page_Validators[i], false);




Try the following:

Page_ValidationActive = false;



Your best bet is to recursively iterate over all the controls on the page, looking for all controls that inherit from the BaseValidator class , and then set the property to a Enabled

value False

. You can write this as a simple library method.



If you are allowed to enter garbage data, maybe it would be easier to hack quickly so that you just skip the page you wanted to be in first place instead of messing around with validation?



Remove them from the page.



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