Iterating through MFC CComboBox items

I need to iterate over items (lines) in CComboBox to check which line is the longest. How can I get each item in the list?


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1 answer

Try the GetLBTextLen () function

Here's an example from MSDN :

// Dump all of the items in the combo box.
   CString str, str2;
   int n;
   for (int i=0;i < pmyComboBox->GetCount();i++)
      n = pmyComboBox->GetLBTextLen( i );
      pmyComboBox->GetLBText( i, str.GetBuffer(n) );

      str2.Format(_T("item %d: %s\r\n"), i, str.GetBuffer(0));
      afxDump << str2;




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