How do I use speech recognition with C # on Windows XP? + do I need to train every computer that runs the application?

I am creating a robot that responds to multiple voice commands. I am using Windows XP and C # for this. My only problem is that I don't know how to use Speech Recognition with C #.

I've searched Google and MSDN but haven't found any newbies yet.

Any suggestions

Also, I know - from my experience with Windows speech recognition in M ​​$ word - I need to train my computer before running the speech recognition application. This can cause a big problem for me because I may need to imagine my robot using different computers / or / different people can be the presenters. So, is there a way to make a predefined list of words that any user can say to an application without having to train it first ???

Thanks for the help!


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2 answers

Yes, you will have to train anything that uses pattern recognition to react to things. In Philadelphia they pronounce "water" as "wudder". How could the algorithm figure this out? In the predefined list, you need to have a working knowledge of each accent in the target sales countries.



SAPI 5.4 on Windows 7 is very well versed in limited command and control grammars without training.

If you keep your command set (grammar) small (say no more than 10-15 commands), you should have good results.

A dictation or a large set of commands requires training; there is too much uncertainty.



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