MS Surface, SVI animation in a straight line

So I am trying to move the ScatterViewItem from 1 point to another. I've tried using PointAnimation. However, after the animation finishes, I cannot move the element from the To point. I can rotate the element and scale it, but for some reason it cannot move it.

This is a simple movement from 1 point to the next in a straight line. Should I use PointAnimation or is there a better way? Thanks, I am doing this in C #

My animation point code:

        oPointAnimation = new PointAnimation();
        oPointAnimation.From = new Point(439, 113);
        oPointAnimation.To = new Point(139, 160);

        oPointAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4);
        oPointAnimation.Completed += new EventHandler(oPointAnimation_Completed);
        theCard.BeginAnimation(ScatterViewItem.CenterProperty, oPointAnimation);



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2 answers

I think you need to use FillBehaviour from POintAnimation for FillBehavior = "Stop"



While you already have an accepted answer, I would like to add a point here.

Even if the FillBehavior is set to Stop, there are certain cases where it just doesn't work. I believe it has something to do with the HandoffBehavior set to SnapshotAndReplace. What I was doing in these cases was to programmatically start a new animation (using BeginAnimation ) on this dependency property with null

as the second argument.

// Remove all animations for the Opacity property on the myElement element 
myElement.BeginAnimation(UIElement.OpacityProperty, null)


This effectively clears all animations for that dependency property and you can freely assign new values ​​to it.



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