Strange slowness in web application - VS 2008

I have compiled my application in release mode. Then I went ahead and "published" the site.

Copies all files and moves them to an intermediate server with a static ip. Restarting IIS.

Went to another car and hit my website. It took about 4 seconds to show only the default page, which is pure HTML without using a custom structure. What gives???


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2 answers

It looks like it's just an application pool. Assuming you are the first person to hit it after deployment, this is not uncommon. It seems fine after the first hit of the page, right?



If you set the @Page directive variable "Trace = True", it will show you the load time, which is inappropriate? Also, if you are connected to a database, running SQL Profiler, for example, will show you any database queries that are too slow.

Finally, I had a weird problem where I had a virtual directory setup that pointed to a directory that didn't exist. The network timeout that was looking at it took a while.



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