How can I tell if an element only contains a J character with JQuery?

Let's say I have 2 divs:

<div>&pound; 21.99</div>


If I only want to select the div containing & pound; just a symbol, how would I do it?

I tried:

if ($('div:contains("&pound;")').length > 0) 



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4 answers

I believe the problem is that the browser is converting HTML escape characters, so you have to look for the actual character ... I tested this and it works

  if ($(this).html() == "ยฃ"){




$('div:contains("&pound;")').each( function() {
     var text = $(this).html();
     if (text && text.match(/\s*&pound;\s*/)) {




Try .filter.

I found another question on SO with related information:

JQuery expression validation



The tvanfosson code allows spaces on either side of the ยฃ sign, but the regexp can have a slight modification:

$('div:contains("&pound;")').each( function() {
    var text = $(this).html();
    if (text && text.match(/^\s*&pound;\s*$/)) {


notice the "^" and "$" indicating the beginning and end of the line.



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