Undo row deletion

I have a window form that has a DataGrid control (Not DataGridView) on it.

The DataGrid control is bound to a DataTable. Every time the user clicks the delete button on one of the rows in the grid, I want to check the condition and stop deleting the row if the condition is false.

I have subscribed to the RowDeleting event on the DataTable, but I cannot find a way to reverse the delete operation that the user is doing. How can I achieve this?


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4 answers


Thanks for the answer. I have already looked through this thread but did not find any useful solution.

I only changed my project a bit, now I have a delete button rather than delete directly from the datagrid file itself.

I changed my DataTable to disallow any deletions

dataTable.DefualtView.AllowDelete = false


and in the click handler of the delete button I wrote the following code:

(datagridStandardRates.DataSource as DataTable).Rows[datagridStandardRates.CurrentRowIndex].Delete();


This gives me complete control over when I want to delete a row.

Thanks again for your help.




Although this thread is 2 years old, I am adding an answer just in case someone stumbles.

For each row in the DataTable, there is a "RejectChanges ()" method that you can use to undo the deletion.

I did the following:

a) In the DataTable add the "RowDeleted" handler:

dt.RowDeleted += new DataRowChangeEventHandler(dt_RowDeleted);


b) In the handler, call functon "RejectChanges ()" as follows:

void dt_RowDeleted(object sender, DataRowChangeEventArgs e)
     if ( ... Add your condition here ... ) 




Much simpler than the solutions above.

In the UserDeletingRow event, just call e.Cancel = true;

DialogResult dlgRes = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that you want to delete this Factor?", "DELETE ITEM?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
if (dlgRes == DialogResult.Yes)
    tslMessage.Text = "Item Deleted";
    e.Cancel = true;




My first thought was to suggest "e.Cancel = true"; but this property is not available.

Populating a bit I stumbled upon How to undo a row deletion in a DataSet ; please take a look.




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