Get submit button id

Inside an form I have some dynamically generated buttons, all of these buttons represent the form, is there a way to get which button submitted the form in the page load event?


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7 replies

The argument sender

to the handler contains a reference to the control that raised the event.

private void MyClickEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button theButton = (Button)sender;


Edit: Wait, at the loading stage? This is a bit of a trick. One thing I can think of is this: the collection of the request form will hold the key / value for the submit button, but not the rest. Therefore, you can do something like:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button theButton = null;
    if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("button1"))
        theButton = button1;
    else if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("button2"))
        theButton = button2;


Not very elegant, but you get the idea ...



protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {            
    string id = "";
    foreach (string key in Request.Params.AllKeys) {
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params[key]) && Request.Params[key].Equals("Click"))
            id = key;
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) {
        Control myControl = FindControl(id);
        // Some code with myControl




This won't work if your code is inside a custom control:

Request.Form.AllKeys.Contains("btnSave") ...


You can try this instead:

if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Where(p => p.Contains("btnSave")).Count() > 0)
    // btnSave was clicked, your logic here




You may try:

if (this.Page.Request.Form[this.btnSave.ClientID.Replace("_", "$")] != null) {





try this code on page load event

string eventtriggeredCategory = Request.Form["ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ddlCategory"];


if eventtriggeredCategory returns any value, it fired ddlCategory event

this works great for me

Thanks Jidhu




will give you the button where the postback was made



Use the CommandArgument property to determine which button represents the form.

Edit: I just got it, you said you need this in PageLoad, this only works for the Click server side event, not for PageLoad.



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