Is it wise to keep the HttpUrlConnection open indefinitely until the remote REST endpoint?

I want to optimize a process that runs constantly and makes frequent calls (> 1 per second) to an external API via a simple REST style HTTP post. One thing I noticed is that currently the HttpUrlConnection is created and closed for every API call according to the following structure (unnecessary code and error handling removed for readability).

//every API call
try {
  URL url = new URL("..remote_site..");
  conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
  setupConnectionOptions(conn); //sets things like timeoout and usecaches false
  outputWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream()));
  //send request
} finally {


I don't have much experience with the http protocol directly, but based on common sense / knowledge of sockets in general it seems that it would be much more efficient to only create the connection once and reuse it, and only re-initialize it on issue to avoid negotiating the connection every time, for example:

//on startup, or error
private void initializeConnection()
  URL url = new URL("..remote_site..");
  conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
  setupConnectionOptions(conn); //sets things like timeoout and usecaches false

//per request
try {
  outputWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream()));
  //send request
} catch (IOException) {
  try conn.disconnect();
} finally {

//on graceful exit


My questions:

  • is this a reasonable optimization in general (will the speed increase be noticeable)?

Assuming yes:

  • should the output stream and connection be reused?
  • Is it wise to re-initialize the connection on error, or should I do this after a certain number of requests / time?

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1 answer

Basically yes, and it saves a lot of time - setting up a socket takes a lot of effort, which is even worse with SSL. This is why "keepalive" has been around since the old days. This is a litle bit contrary to the REST philosophy, but it is a performance optimization.

The only thing related to the fact that sockets are a limited resource; in a really tough production environment, you might lose sockets for new connections. this is a bad thing.



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