Reusable Django apps

I found many resources on the differences between Django projects and reusable applications, most notably DjangoCon talk , and the Pinax .

However, as a beginner, writing my own projects and reusable software seems a bit tricky. I don't quite understand how the models go (and how applications can be flexible and permissive), where the templates go and how different applications go together.

Are there any tutorials for creating a project with reusable apps? Best practices page? Most preferably, a sample project with its own applications (rather than depend on external applications)?

I try to understand the architecture of the project and the interaction between applications, not just create reusable applications. Most of the tutorials I have come across on the web is how to create a reusable application or create a simple mono blog application that only has external dependencies on the builtins or django.contrib modules.


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3 answers

James Bennett Hands-On Django Projects cover these topics in general pretty well, and even includes a chapter on Writing Reusable Django Applications, which walks through an example of splitting one of the sample projects in the book into your application.



You can watch the video (DjangoCon 2008: Reusable Applications) - and get an idea of ​​how to use it.

There are many reusapbe apps on google, djangosnippets, git, etc. Most Popular:

  • django-contact-form - contact form;
  • django-debug-toolbar - view sql queries, etc.
  • django-registration + django-profiles - skip regs procedures;
  • django-mptt - use a tree structure;
  • django-pagination is a useful page viewer;
  • django-stdimage or sorl-thumbnail - image routines;
  • south - schema migration;

Read the sample docs and save dev time. Good luck!



If you want to see "sample projects with reusable applications interacting with each other", there is no better place to look than downloading Pinax , cloning one of their reference projects (just follow the docs) and reading the code carefully.



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