Impressive examples of progressive improvement

I see the value of using progressive enhancement in web development and I already use it regularly. However, almost every site I've seen that strongly supports progressive improvement is a website without images that has a div for the title and a div for navigation - in other words, really basic (and boring) things.

Do you know of any sample sites that use progressive enhancement to great effect? I enjoy putting all sorts of things on websites on the streets to see what they look like, but I rarely find things that deteriorate beautifully. I'm looking for something with images, dynamic content, tables, inline players, or something more complex to design than just blocks of text.

I'm still waiting to find this site that renders fine in text browsers and still strips me off in its full-featured glory;)


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5 answers

Amazon's site is getting worse.

If JavaScript is disabled then it is still possible to view product images (at full page load, of course). If JavaScript is enabled then good Ajax improves the experience.



Ok, you read on one! 4877 changes and counts.



Check out - it's based on the YUI library ( ). It has a wide range of widgets, modules that are progressive in design. (I checked their WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH WITH scripts and didn't even know the difference, really - did it twice to make sure I turned them off% -)

UPD: for tables check this link for tables that use "Progressive Enhancement" with enabled or degraded scripts without them.



A really great example of how to progress to improve performance



The Filament Group has developed boston * globe * .com with progressive enhancement. It has images, canvas, videos, etc. of course.



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