Precompiled source code - how can I rebuild it?

Is there a way to reverse engineer a precompiled website .... if for example someone 8) was stupid enough to publish their site to a virtual directory with the local path set to the project folder in VS2008?



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3 answers

You can use Reflector to see the source code. There are plugins that decompile an assembly (.DLL or .EXE) created with .NET into a new Visual Studio project.



Reflector is difficult to use with a precompiled site because of the way it paginates. This is not always clear, and not an easy way to reverse engineer.

In fact, one of the main reasons we precompile sites is because it's harder to rewrite and update production code.



I had a similar problem and used Reflector to decompile it. I got the original code, then changed the bit I wanted and rebuilt it. Then I copied this dll back to the Production site. He began to reflect my changes. It was very easy and not difficult at all, perhaps because the Precompiled site had dlls for each page, and it was updatable, so the dll only contained the code file.

For reference:



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