Copy error using exit code 71

I have an iPhone app that ships (vConqr - you have to go and buy it :-)). I am building a project on several different machines including a colleague and it works fine. However, more recently, on my second dev machine, my build fails every time with an error:

/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin/Contents/Resources/copyplist Entitlements.plist --outdir /Code/iPhone/VirtualConquest/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/

error: can't exec '/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin/Contents/Resources/copyplist' (No such file or directory)

I've reinstalled Xcode - twice! (second time I deleted files under / Developer / Library / Xcode). I deleted the original tree and checked out the fresh control source. The error persists.

The Entitlements.plist file has been around for a couple of weeks since I started my last beta. I can't be sure, but I suspect I haven't compiled on my second machine since I added it. However, like my primary dev machine, it all works fine on my colleague, so I'm confused what the difference is.

I have a Google error, but my Google-Fu is a couch or is it not a common error. I have not found any relevant queries.

This is really frustrating, not least because I am using my second machine as a testing / continuous integration machine.

Does anyone come across the same thing, or have any other suggestions?


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6 answers

I hit this issue and chased it down to a problem with my ruby ​​setup - well not a problem, but anyway

Solved by symlinking to the correct location for my ruby ​​install

sudo ln -s / opt / local / bin / ruby ​​/ usr / bin / ruby

Hope this helps someone as it was driving me crazy! Also, maybe not your ruby ​​install, this file just loads the core libraries, so just run the file if it exists to keep track of it.



Yes, I have this from a custom ruby ​​install, a more generic fix:

sudo ln -s `which ruby` / usr / bin / ruby



From here:

Open copyplist in your favorite text editor and change






I had to just use #! / Usr / local / bin / ruby ​​to get it to use my ruby ​​system installation, but I think you could enter any of your Ruby RVM paths as well.



This file exists on my machine. Try doing a third clean reinstall of Xcode (after deleting the whole / developer tree - the Xcode installation should add the whole thing again). Then check immediately if the file exists as it should.



This happened to me, but it was related to a corrupt strings file. I had an extra character in one of the lines (see example)

x "english string" = "international string";



In my case, the problem was much simpler:

I removed several Localization.strings files from SVN and forgot to remove them from Xcode project.

I removed them from the project and now it works.



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