TWebBrowser and NTLM authentication

How can I connect with TWebBrowser component in Delphi from outside ADS domain to Sharepoint server? I created a user account in my domain and will connect this information to the server.

The following code doesn't work:

USERNAME = 'JamesBond@domain.tld';
PASSWORD = 'Password2009';
Url, Headers: OleVariant; 
URL := '';
Headers := 'Authorization: NTLM ' +
Base64Encode(USERNAME + ':' + PASSWORD)+ sLineBreak;
WebBrowser1.Navigate2(Url, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, Headers);


with Basic-Auth the same (not working) result.


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2 answers

On our intranet and Indy TIdHTTP component, I used this for the username:

Username := "domainname\username";


It also worked in FireFox where the secure NTLM server will not call the "Domain" input field in the login dialog like in IE, but only the default input / password fields.



When you mentioned that this call failed, why not check on the SharePoint / IIS side which error was logged? If it was a 401.1 error, the security event log should contain a record of the login failure and give the reason. (Logon auditing for failure must be enabled on the server using a local security policy.)



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