How do I map to get a value from a primary table in Nhibernate?

I am facing a problem when I try to get a value from a primary table in a mapping file.

My tables:

    [CustomerId] INT PRIMARY KEY,
    [FullName] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE CustomerOrder
    [CustomerOrderId] INT PRIMARY KEY,
    [CustomerId] INT,
    [TransactionDate] DATETIME


My classes:

public class CustomerOrder
    public class Id {get; set;}
    public class CustomerName {get; set;}
    public class TransactionDate {get; set;}


How do I get the FullName value and map the CustomerName property in my CustomerOrder interface mapping class?


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2 answers

You really wouldn't. The best option would be to have a Customer property, which is an instance of the Customer class.

public class CustomerOrder
  public int Id { get; set; }
  public Customer Customer { get; set; }

public class CustomerOrderMap : ClassMap<CustomerOrder>
  public CustomerOrderMap()
    Id(x => x.Id);
    References(x => x.Customer);


Which you can use like this:



If you really want to have a property CustomerName

, you can create a delegate property on CustomerOrder


public string CustomerName
  get { return Customer.FullName; }




If you want to map a class to multiple tables using Fluent-NHibernate, you can use the "WithTable" method.

    public CustomerOrderMap()
        Id(x => x.Id);
        Map(x => x.TransactionDate);

        WithTable("Customer", m =>
            // Use .TheColumnNameIs since the property name is different from the column name
            m.Map(x => x.CustomerName)




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