How to get svn transfer message in bat window?
I need to get the SVN commit message in poker commit on Windows, so I do this:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('"svnlook log %1 -r %2"') do @SET MSG=%%a
I am testing it, it is ok for most cases.
but when I enter multiple lines in the SVN commit message, the command can only get the last line of the commit message, I think it is caused by a Windows batch file limitation.
How do I get all the commit message of a bat variable?
works line by line at the input. Try changing @SET MSG=%%a
to @SET MSG=!MSG! %%a
Depending on the type or format of the commit messages, it may be preferable to store newlines as well; it can be accomplished with this:
set newline=^
Note that the newline requires blank lines, so ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
(once, somewhere before using !newline!
Now you can use this to concatenate messages (skipping blank lines, by the way) with a newline, and then trim the first newline:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('"svnlook log %1 -r %2"') do @SET MSG=!MSG!!newline!%%a