What Tab control does Visual Studio 2008 use?

What tab control does VS 2008 use and can it be referenced and used in C # projects? I haven't been able to find anything on the Internet about this, but admittedly "VS2008 Tab Control" is a bit generic.

It is a great tab control and I would like to use it in my projects.


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3 answers

SourceForge has a great one: WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking (or DockingSuite). Sorry, there is no link (yet).


Sourceforge Link: Dock Panel Set
Sample Project in CodeProject: Visual Studio 2005-Like Interface



The VS2008 Tabbed MDI Control is not available, but there are some third party components that work well for it. Developer Express has one.

Further reading about tabbed MDI can be found on wikipedia



The document editing area in Visual Studio 2008 is more than just a tab control. It allows you to stack documents vertically or horizontally. None of this is provided as part of the standard window decoration elements. You need to either create your own control or buy a third party control that does the same thing.



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