Overlapping jQuery elements

I have 1 draggable div and 2 droppable divs. These 2 droppable divs are also dragging, so there might be a chance that these 2 divs are overlapping. In this situation, when I drag the dragged div and drop down to the overlapping divs, is there anyway to make sure it fell to the top one?


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1 answer

I had a slightly different problem: I had two types of droppables, one type always on top of the other.

To see which droppable the draggable was dropped by, the taller droppable added a class to the draggable when it was dragged. When a drop event is fired on both droppables, the bottom droppable is checked to see if the class being dragged has been added. If so, it ignored the drop event.

    over: function( drop_event, drop_ui ) {
    out: function( drop_event, drop_ui ) {
    drop: function(drop_event, drop_ui) {
      //Handle drop here

    drop: function(drop_event, drop_ui) {
        if (!ui.helper.hasClass('over_top_element'))
            //Handle drop here




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