Suggestions for creating abstract small images like StackOverflow 'flair' image
I am creating a webapp that has various unrelated datatypes (House, Contact, Article, Recipe, Fact -etc). I give each a "thumbnail" automatically. (User can manually upload their own image there).
Currently I am grabbing an image from Flikr, cropping or upscaling to 80x80 and adding a 10px tiled filter. The result is a small little abstract sketch for each piece of data. (This allows me to use CoverFlows, Carusel, etc. For a more visual experience).
Now I would like to get some other suggestions for imaging.
I'd love to know how StackOverflow creates these nice little templates for each user. (Geometry generator? Any open Api?) [So much nicer than the old gray silkout!
All suggestions are welcome! Thanks to
This is not really a stack overflow, but a Gravatar that creates these images. They are Identifiers generated from the hash of the user's email address. The linked Wikipedia article also lists several implementations.
This thread also has some questions:
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