Overwhelmed by IOC elections

There are so many choices for the IOC that I don't know where to start. So far I've looked at Spring.NET, Unity, Ninject, Windsor and StructureMap and I have no idea what makes it better than the other. So what's your favorite IOC, and what feature makes you use it over any other?


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3 answers

Try using the Common Service Locator and later you can switch between containers. I prefer Unity (because of holy faith in MS =)) and Windsor for my strength. Ninject has some very funny documentation, if you are not going to use it you should at least read its docs and visit the site =)



I think more or less they have the same functionality. So it makes sense to look at:

  • Quality of documentation
  • Comprehensive starts available
  • Is used in other well known products
  • Is there a community around him.
  • How mature is he

For example Unity:

  • It has good documentation.
  • Quickstarts are pretty good
  • It is used in the Application Building Guide and Factory Web Client Software
  • It has a community around it.
  • It is only 1.2 (and 2.0), but nevertheless it is the successor of object building


For new projects, I am using Ninject now. I love its clean, modern and simple API and its fluid configuration.



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