Windows Live Messenger software-defined display

How can I programmatically set the Windows Live Messenger display image (currently using 8.5.1302.1018). Possible solutions could be in C ++,. NET or VB. Even a hint can be helpful.


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1 answer

There is an open source project called MSNP-Sharp that you should look at.

You can use this to connect to MSN and set your profile. Here's an example of setting an image:

            Image fileImage = Image.FromFile(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ImageFileName"]);
            DisplayImage displayImage = new DisplayImage();
            displayImage.Image = fileImage;
            m_Messenger.Owner.DisplayImage = displayImage;
            m_Messenger.Nameserver.StorageService.UpdateProfile(fileImage, "MyPhoto");
            LogError(new StackTrace(true), "Error adding avatar image.");




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