Magento and country codes for tabular rates

Where can I find a list of all Magento country codes to set up a table rate file to ship to all countries in the world?


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2 answers

It looks like the answers lie in the following file found in the magento folder:

Library / Zend / Locale / Data / supplementalData.xml

Some conclusion may be required. But search for "USA" to get to that section. In my file it was on line 4590 and from there you were outputting other country codes.



In Magento 1.7, if you need to get it from code:

$countries = Mage::helper('directory')->getCountryCollection();
foreach ($countries as $country) {
    echo $country->getIso2_code();


If you need a 3 letter code, replace getIso2_code () with getIso3_code ().



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