Unable to compile FSM example code

There is a good tutorial for government machines called The UML Tutorial: Finite State Machines by Robert K. Martin. But I cannot compile the example code it provides. I got * FsmTest.cpp (46): error C2664: "SetState": Cannot convert parameter 1 from UnlockedState * class to TurnstileState class

Please, help. Thank.

class Turnstile
    virtual void Lock();
    virtual void Unlock();
    virtual void Thankyou();
    virtual void Alarm();

class TurnstileFSM;
class LockedState;
class UnlockedState;

class TurnstileState
    virtual void Coin(TurnstileFSM*) = 0;
    virtual void Pass(TurnstileFSM*) = 0;
    static LockedState lockedState;
    static UnlockedState unlockedState;

class TurnstileFSM : public Turnstile
    void SetState(TurnstileState* s) {itsState = s;}
    void Coin() {itsState->Coin(this);}
    void Pass() {itsState->Pass(this);}

    TurnstileState *itsState;

class LockedState : public TurnstileState
    virtual void Coin(TurnstileFSM* t)
    virtual void Pass(TurnstileFSM* t)

class UnlockedState : public TurnstileState
    virtual void Coin(TurnstileFSM* t)
    virtual void Pass(TurnstileFSM* t)

LockedState TurnstileState::lockedState;
UnlockedState TurnstileState::unlockedState;



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3 answers

The problem is that when trying to call it SetState()

internally, the LockedState::Coin()

class UnlockedState

is an incomplete type : it was declared but not defined. To fix this, you need to move the definition Coin()

after UnlockedState


class LockedState : public TurnstileState
    virtual void Coin(TurnstileFSM* t);

class UnlockedState : public TurnstileState

void LockedState::Coin(TurnstileFSM* t)




This is most likely because it doesn't know that UnlockedState is a subclass of TurnstileState. Remove the function from the class at the end of the file:

class TurnstileFSM {
    void SetState(TurnstileState* s);

void TurnstileFSM::SetState(TurnstileState* s) {itsState = s;}




In this example, the generated code must include tscontext.h, and the TurnStyle class is inferred from the context, which must be declared in * tscontext.h "as the TurnStyleContext class.

In my case, the generated code looks like this:

    #include "tscontext.h"   // the header file name for the context class"

    // Forward Declarations

    class TurnStyle;

    // TurnStyleState: The base state class
    class TurnStyleState
        virtual const char* StateName() const = 0;
        virtual void Coin( TurnStyle& );
        virtual void Pass( TurnStyle& );

    // State: Unlocked
    class TurnStyleUnlockedState : public TurnStyleState
        virtual const char* StateName() const
            { return "Unlocked"; }
        virtual void Pass( TurnStyle& );
        virtual void Coin( TurnStyle& );
    // State: Locked
    class TurnStyleLockedState : public TurnStyleState
        virtual const char* StateName() const
            { return "Locked"; }
        virtual void Coin( TurnStyle& );
        virtual void Pass( TurnStyle& );
    // TurnStyle: The Finite State Machine class
    class TurnStyle: public TurnStyleContext
        // Static State variables
        static TurnStyleUnlockedState Unlocked;
        static TurnStyleLockedState Locked;

        TurnStyle(); // default Constructor

        // Event functions
        virtual void Coin() { itsState->Coin( *this ); }
        virtual void Pass() { itsState->Pass( *this ); }

        // State Accessor functions
        void SetState( TurnStyleState& theState ) { itsState = &theState; }
        TurnStyleState& GetState() const { return *itsState; }

        const char* GetCurrentStateName() const { return itsState->StateName(); }
        const char* GetVersion() const;

        TurnStyleState* itsState;


with a state machine defined like this:

Context TurnStyleContext     // the name of the context class
FSMName TurnStyle            // the name of the FSM to create
Initial Locked               // the name of the initial state
                             // for C++ output
pragma Header  tscontext.h"   // the header file name for the context class, note the necessary "
        Coin     Unlocked    Unlock
        Pass     Locked      Alarm
    Unlocked <BeforeUnlocked >AfterUnlocked
        Coin    Unlocked    Thankyou
        Pass    Locked      Lock


Context implements FSMError, Thankyou, Lock, Alarm, Unlock, BeforeUnlocked, AfterUnlocked



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