Working with duplicates in bst

My bst should be able to handle duplicate entries. Does anyone have any strategies for how to do this that doesn't require inordinate amount of code? I was thinking about constantly adding duplicates to the right, but then it will mess up the order of bst. for example, what happens when the duplicate has two children, who in turn have two children? inserting a duplicate is easy enough, but what about replacing a node?


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3 answers

While this is not a self balancing BST, I see no problem with placing equal nodes either to the left or right of a node equal to them.

Edit (after simonn's comment):

If the "duplicate node" already has 2 children, just insert the "new duplicate node" to the left and let the left child of the "old duplicate node" become the left child of the "new duplicate node".

Let me explain with an example. Tree before inserting the duplicate:

   / \
  2   5
 / \
1   3


And now the element is inserted 4''


     / \
    4'' 5
 / \
1   3


As long as the tree is not balancing itself, you should be fine.



You can turn the nodes of a binary search tree into linked lists.

class Data implements Comparable<Data>
   // These are the data elements in your binary search tree

class TreeNode
  TreeNode left; // elements less than current node, or null
  TreeNode right; // elements greater than current node, or null
  List<Data> items = new LinkedList<Data>();    


Here is treeNode.items

always a non-empty list such as item1.compareTo(item2) == 0

for each item1

and item2

in treeNode.items


To insert a duplicate item, you will find the matching object TreeNode

and add the new item to items


The logic for finding items is pretty much the same as before, except that once you find a matching object TreeNode

, you need to traverse the linked list.



I wonder if duplicates need to be stored as separate nodes? Is it enough to add a counter variable to your Node? This way, if you go through the tree, you will know the number of duplicate entries and save the order.



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