How do you implement? help when the user clicks? and then click the control for more help?

I don't even know what it's called. But some Windows applications had a "?" next to the X in the upper right corner. You can click on it and then click on something on the screen and get help.

Does anyone know what caused or (better) any pointers to instructions on how to implement it?

Oh and I am using 2005.


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3 answers

It's called "What is this?" help.

Here is a Microsoft article on implementing it in Visual Basic. If you need another language, I hope this is enough to find you there.

How to implement "What is this?" Visual Basic Help



In .NET, you can enable it by setting the "HelpButton" boolean field in the form control. For more information see this link . In addition, there is an event that fires when this button is pressed. Link here .

Hope this helps ... Are you using .NET or something else?



It's called Context Sensitive Help ; what about all i know.



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