Subversion's manual permission solutions don't tell me the name of the conflicting change

<<<<<<< .mine
echo 'yo you're tidy';
echo 'spfkopsdkfo;
>>>>>>> .r11


Ben made another change. Is it possible for it to automatically insert the username so that I know it was done in version 11?

I know that I could research the repository to see what exactly it made the last commit. I also know there is a script commit hook that can send emails when a commit is made.


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3 answers

Have you looked svn blame

? This does not link the diff to who changed it, but on hand it gives you the latest author and revision for each line of the file (s) you point to.



Is it possible for it to automatically enter the username so that I know it was done in version 11?

Short answer: No.

A slightly longer answer: in theory a comparison tool can do this for you, but in practice I haven't seen it.



if the conflict is on only one line, then it would be possible (but not implemented in svn). But imagine a conflict that spans multiple lines: there might be multiple authors for those multiple lines - what should be shown? All of them?



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