IPhone AVAudioRecorder Guide?

Can anyone point me to a tutorial or discussion that provides a clear and complete explanation of how to use the AVAudioRecorder method to record audio in iPhone applications? Although I'm new to iPhone programming in general, I have a basic understanding and still my attempts to use AVAudioRecorder have failed. We really appreciate it!


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2 answers

Sample code and documentation can be found here . You can fill in the blanks with searches here on StackOverflow . If you haven't started using Audio, it's best to take a look at the Apple docs and sample code first. Then take a look at other sources. That's where a good book on iPhone design comes in.



To use AVAudioRecorder you first need to enable AVAudioSession and initialize and start AVAudioRecorder, here is my example of how to set everything up and measure the "volume" level, for example http://www.mikitamanko.com/blog/2017/04/15 / swift-how-to-get-decibels /



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