Does using a BOM template really reduce code complexity?

From my reading, you can see that the BOM template can significantly reduce the number of methods needed to filter data. What benefits have you seen with a BOM template? Were there any unintended benefits that you noticed. on the contrary, what pitfalls have you encountered?


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2 answers

When working on large projects, you will certainly find use of the BOM template as hotspots for performance issues. It is because of their simplicity and elegance that people compose them in all manner of ways not conceived by the original author and reusable in different contexts.

These problems are usually easy to fix, and although I use the word "problem" it is kind of good; you don't fix these things before they turn out to be a problem.



This does not reduce the complexity as it makes it more familiar and navigable. Once you understand the pattern, learning the code, even very complex code, becomes more manageable because you can see the pattern. Take it to a small town that uses engraved streets for the north and south and numbered streets for the east / west. You can probably find stuff even if you've never been there before, because you understand the pattern.



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