Determining the focus point inside the Textarea

I have a textbox ...

Some writing here
Then some more on another line


What I want to do is configure the user where *. Is it possible?


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2 answers

Use the following function to set the selection in a text box.

function setSelRange(inputEl, selStart, selEnd) { 
   if (inputEl.setSelectionRange) { 
     inputEl.setSelectionRange(selStart, selEnd); 
   } else if (inputEl.createTextRange) { 
     var range = inputEl.createTextRange(); 
     range.moveEnd('character', selEnd); 
     range.moveStart('character', selStart);; 
// From


So, in your case, you can search for the character position *

and use that value in a call like this:

var pos = 17; // Set this to the position of the * character.
setSelRange(document.getElementById('textareaId'), pos, pos);




to ease your burden.

<textarea id="myarea">
Some writing here
Then some more on another line

function FocusMe(what){ // what = character to be focused(in your case *)
 var cFocus = document.getElemenById("myarea").innerHTML;
 var pos = cFocus.indexOf(what);
 setSelRange(document.getElementById('myarea'), pos, pos); //Jame answer above.




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