LinqToSQl and adapts from linq objects to objects in a centralized way

Imagine the following code:

return from a in DBContext.Acts
       join artist in DBContext.Artists
       on a.ArtistID equals artist.ID into art
       from artist in art.DefaultIfEmpty()
       select new Shared.DO.Act {
                 ID = a.ID,
                 Name = a.Name,
                 Artist = new Shared.DO.Artist   {
                             ID = artist.ID,
                             Name = artist.Name
                 GigId = a.GigID


As you can see, the linqtosql generated object is adapting to the Shared.DO.Act object. Within this object created by linqtosql Artist adapts to Shared.DO.Artist

Elsewhere in my codebase, I can query the executor (see below):

return from a in DBContext.Artists
       select new Shared.DO.Artist {
                 ID = artist.ID, 
                 Name = artist.Name
              GigId = a.GigID


This means that the access code for the artist is now displayed in two places! Once upon receipt of the performer, as well as upon downloading the act

How do I centralize this customization code?


source to share

1 answer

I would do this using an artist class with an artist dictionary:

public class Artists
    // key should be whatever type artist.ID is
    private Dictionary<int, Shared.DO.Artist> _artistDictionary;

    public static Get(int id)
        if (_artistDictionary == null) 
            _artistDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Shared.DO.Artist>();

        if (!_artistDictionary.ContainsKey(id))
            var artist = from a in DBContext.Artists
                         on a.ID equals id
                         select new Shared.DO.Artist {
                             ID = a.ID, 
                             Name = a.Name

            _artistDictionary.Add(id, artist);

        return _artistDictionary[id];




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