Set the format of the data read through the serial port?

when reading data through the serial port. I want to know what is the data coming through the port in what format? wheathr ASCII, Decimal or Hexa or in bytes,

plz any boby gives a hint


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3 answers

Use a terminal program such as HyperTerminal or TeraTerm to view the output from the serial device. You can use this software to establish a PC connection on the device, and then check the output on the screen to determine the data format.

Also check the manufacturer's manual, it will usually provide information about the data format as well as the serial port connection information (baud rate, etc.).



ByteSize is simply the number of bits the device manufacturer has chosen to use on the BYTE of the data output by the device. They usually use 7 or 8: the range itself is limited to 5,6,7 or 8.

So it will be a BYTE stream regardless of ASCII, HEX format. For example, you can be in ASCII or HEX format using either of 5,6,7 or 8 bits per BYTE.

This is why you should look at the manufacturer's manuals or try hyperterminal to see this data format.



It depends on how you configure the serial port to connect the device: the data length (Bytesize) is one of the properties that allows data to be received for data transmission and of course how the device carries

The DCB structure looks like this:

DWORD BaudRate: speed

BYTE StopBits: 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2 (default = 0)

Byte: 0-4 = None, Odd, Even, Label, Space (default = 0)

BYTE ByteSize: Number of bits / byte, 4-8 (default = 8)

The latter decides the data flow and everyone else decides the connectivity.



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