Local debug error of WideString variable "Int3 DbgBreakPoint"

In C ++ Builder, I wrote the following code (in Button1Click handler). When I run in debug mode, I get "Int3 DbgBreakPoint" (Stack messed up?). This does not happen for AnsiSting (possibly reference counting).

WideString boshluq;
boshluq=L" ";


This is normal? What are you suggesting I fix this code?


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2 answers

WideStrings are pointers referring to variables for Windows WideStrings, maybe the problem is in your Windows system library.

I have the same problem with a breakpoint in the ntdll.dll file, I don't know, is the same for you.

I solve with this device http://www.tbosystems.bluehosting.com.br/dbx4/int3.pas (thanks to Leonel Togniolli) maybe you can check this and see if it can help you or try the same code on another Windows machine.



Or a debug version of a library called with WideStrings? With an explicit int 3; build a challenge?



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