.NET Console applications, can you create labels and regions?

Is it possible to output the text of a C # console application onto already applied labels? I've seen some native console apps that can do this.

Thus, on the screen, the user sees:

Progress: 1% or Progress: 50% depending on when the tag is updated (and the tag's progress stays in the same place, while only the percentage of progress is updated.

Rather than I know how to do it currently, this is console.writeLine, which will create a separate line for each Progress update.


Progress: 1%

Progress: 2%


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4 answers

Yes, you can do it.

You can use Console.SetCursorPosition to move the cursor after writing.

For example:

Console.WriteLine("Starting algorithm...");

int line = Console.CursorTop;
for (int i=0;i<100;++i)
    Console.Write("Progress is {0}%        ",i);  // Pad with spaces to make sure we cover old text
Console.WriteLine("Algorithm Complete.       "); // Pad with spaces to make sure we cover old text




Have a look at Console.SetCursorPosition



Although I have already accepted the answer: here is a dynamic example for the following guy:

private static List<screenLocation> screenLocationsBasic = new List<screenLocation>();

public class screenLocation
    public int Left { get; set; }
    public int Top { get; set; }

    public screenLocation(int left, int top)
        this.Left = left;
        this.Top = top; 



Then, during the drawing phase of the template, you can add dynamic elements depending on the number of elements in your loop:

screenLocationsBasic.Add(new screenLocation(Console.CursorLeft , Console.CursorTop ));


Then, during data processing, you can only update that location depending on what subject you are dealing with:

Console.SetCursorPosition(screenLocationsBoth[pos].Left, screenLocationsBoth[pos].Top);


Then you only need to pass pos (the position of the element in your loop).



You can clear the window and redraw the screen each time, which should be fast enough to look like everything has changed.



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