IPhone - Max Download 3G Size MB

I have heard that the maximum download size for an app over 3G ATT wireless network is 10MB, something for that size you will need a wireless router to download the app. I am creating a game with numerous images and try to keep it under 10MB. Does anyone know if the xcode app binary cannot be 10MB or the itunes.ipa file cannot exceed 10MB?

What I mean is, after compiling my application, the binary that is inside the "build" directory is 9.9 MB. When I add an app (game) to itunes, the itunes .ipa file that is created shrinks to 7.7.

If someone can give me an answer, it will greatly impact my application.

Thank you in advance


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2 answers

The limit has also recently been increased to 20MB (see http://iphoneblips.dailyradar.com/story/apple-doubles-iphone-3g-download-limits ). As with gcamp, I am assuming the limit is capped based on the size of the .ipa file, as this will actually go live.

50MB (see http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57393448-37/apple-raises-3g-4g-download-limit-to-50mb/ )



I am assuming that the binary you are linking to is actually your application suite.

The 10MB limits are in .ipa files. (Basically your app package is encrypted plus some Apple files)

Also, your question was duplicate .



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