What do I need to learn iPhone offline?

I have a week vacation with no "clean access". I am interested in studying the development of the iPhone. What applications, tutorials, documents, etc. Should you download to fully explore and develop iPhone apps? Are there any steps I need to take to get my iPhone ready to download applications to it while I still have "net access"?


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6 answers

The only thing you really need is a Mac and an SDK. If you are registered as a developer, download either 2.2.1 or the new beta beta. Version 2.2.1 is suitable for learning, at least as long as you don't want to download applications. Make sure the required documentation is downloaded by subscribing to it. Click "Help" → "Documentation" and on the left, you can see the documentation sets. Click subscribe to the ones you want, or all if you are not sure.


Now you have everything you need to start learning. If you want to try installing programs on your iPhone, you need to get a developer certificate and generate your keys. It is difficult and time consuming. If you don't want to do this, just use the iPhone Simulator which is included in the SDK. Before leaving, download the Hello World program from developer.apple.com and try running it in the SDK. If you can Build and Go and see the iPhone Simulator, you should be installed.

If you're new to Objective-C, select "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (3rd Edition)" by Aaron Hillegass. The teaching style is great and explains the basics very well. The book is intended for desktop programming, but there is no better understanding of Objective-C.


If you want more than an iPhone, get Dave Mark and Jeff LaMarche's "Getting Started iPhone". They have very detailed examples. The teaching style is not so clear and the chapters are very long and involved, but they are thorough.


If you need another book, get Developing an iPhone SDK from Pragmatic Programmers. This is a beta book, so there will be a few mistakes, but the style is much clearer and the chapters are much more digestible.


Any of these books will take you much longer than a week to digest, but they are good starting points. There's no harm in downloading Stanford podcasts either when you can no longer read, but they don't fit as stand-alone guides. Don't forget to upload all of your PDFs that contain great exercises.

Good luck!



The Stanford iPhone Programming course is a podcast and, once downloaded, does not require network access (although some of the sample programs you write do).

CS193P - iPhone Programming

This is a pretty complete introduction, you'll be able to write real programs when you're ready, and probably more content than you can reasonably absorb in a week. The current content of the class is written for the 2.x SDK, so there is no need to worry about the 3.0 beta.



See my answer to this question:


Your question is pretty close to being duplicated.

And yes, your phone must be installed in a specific development mode. This is all explained in the SDK documentation.



I would update your SDK and iTunes / iPhone firmware. I would also like to download a podcast of tutorials. Finally, this is a great link to a bunch of PDFs that you can download and use.





According to me, roseindia is a good offline course, but it is very expensive, you can instead go to online courses like edumobile.org. This is a good site for you as it covers all the basic concepts you need to know, so you can create your own apps for your personal iphone without any problems.



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