CodeIgniter - How to rewrite URL with URL parameters

I need to include a url like:



to a cleaner url like:



I am using CodeIgniter, and the engine overwrites is enabled and configured. I also set up the rewriting in the file routes.php

like this:

$route['catalog/products/(:any)'] = 'catalog/view/$1';


Question . Where to replace the product ID /24

on /product-name-here

? I can successfully get the parameter $1

and get the product name. I can't seem to figure out how to rewrite the url with this dynamic value. Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

I am not a user of the code, but I feel that url rewriting is not the best place to achieve this.

You still need to write a controller method that can identify the product using something like slug = 'product-name-here' instead of id = 24.



Just store the product name as a URL in your product string in the database table. A good practice for this is url_title()

from URL Helper .

Then you just need to look for the slug from your database in your code, not the ID.

So this is just a hint because I don't have time right now. But if you have any questions, ask them here, I'll be back to answer them.

And sorry for my bad english! :)



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