Sleep Mode: Many-to-One Projection in Criteria

This is my first time dealing with the hibernate Criteria API.

I tried to do the equivalent of this HQL

"select t.userTbl from Task t"

The userTbl property is multivalued from the task. Task.userTbl relationships are lazy.

So I came up with this

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria( Task.class, "t" );
criteria.setProjection( "t.userTbl" ) );
List results = criteria.list();


Unfortunately this does something different for HQL.

In HQL, although the userTbl relationship is set to lazy in display, HQL readily retrieves and materializes non-proxy UserTbl objects.

However, in the criteria, I get a list of proxies that I don't want. I worked with setFetchMode, but that didn't seem to be correct. Does anyone know how to properly accomplish the above in criteria and get non-proxies like HQL?



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1 answer

Try to force a connection between the task class and userTbl.



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