Creating libs folder in maven

First of all, I must say that I understand that generally with Maven this is not how you should be doing something ...

What I'm looking for is how you will deploy the maven artifacts to a repository that exists in your project's lib folder. I know how to add the repository to my local filesystem in pom.xml like this ...



The confusing part is how I get the artifacts in this "lib" folder. It's not as easy as dropping files, I have a feeling that I need to use the mvn install: install-file command somehow.


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2 answers

Looks like I can use this (I answered my own question pretty quickly, it looks like!).



Do you mean deploy

or install

? In the maven dictionary, deployment adds an artifact to the remote repository and usually happens during a phase deploy

. This is done using the depoy plugin , which has two goals: deploy: deploy and deploy: deploy-file .

To use the plugin, declare where to deploy to pom.xml

by adding an item repository

below the itemdistributionManagement

      <name>Repository Name</name>
      <url>Wagon Url</url>


About repository


  • id

    is a unique identifier for this repository (so you can refer to it in ~/.m2/settings.xml

    for authentication options).
  • name

    is the human-readable name for the repository.
  • url

    is the Wagon URL most often scp


As you can see in the Wagon documentation, the wagon has a File . This allows Maven to use remote repositories stored on the local file system and also store Maven sites there. In other words, you can use file://C:\m2-repo

or file://${basedir}/lib

like url




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