How to add attribute to HTML tag depending on url in MVC application

I am presenting a list of items like:

  <li>Something 1</li>
  <li>Something 2</li>
  <li>Something 3</li>
  <li>Something 4</li>
  <li>Something 5</li>


Depending on the route, I want to add a class to one of the tags <li>

so that I can highlight.

Maybe something like:

<% if (this.Context.Request.RawUrl.Contains(something1Var)) { %>
<li class="highlight">
<% } else { <%>
<% } %>
Something 1</li>

<% if (this.Context.Request.RawUrl.Contains(something2Var)) { %>
<li class="highlight">
<% } else { <%>
<% } %>
Something 2</li>

<% if (this.Context.Request.RawUrl.Contains(something3Var)) { %>
<li class="highlight">
<% } else { <%>
<% } %>
Something 3</li>
<% if (this.Context.Request.RawUrl.Contains(something3Var)) { %>
<li class="highlight">
<% } else { <%>
<% } %>
Something 4</li>

<% if (this.Context.Request.RawUrl.Contains(something5Var)) { %>
<li class="highlight">
<% } else { <%>
<% } %>
Something 5</li>


It works, but seems a little verbose. Can anyone suggest a better way to do things like this?


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1 answer

I would say that this kind of logic is better isolated in the controller. Consider creating a lightweight class to represent your menu items, for example:

public class MenuLinkItem {
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public bool Highlight { get; set; }


Then, in your controller method, create a list of them, set the CSS class to the selected element, and pipe the result to the view via ViewData:

public class MyController : Controller { 
  private MenuLinkItem MakeMenuLinkItem(string text, string urlFragment) {
     return (new MenuLinkItem() {
        Text = text,
        Highlight = (this.Context.Request.RawUrl.Contains(urlFragment))

  private IList<MenuLinkItem> GetMenuLinkItems() {
      var items = new List<MenuLinkItem>();  

     items.Add(MakeMenuLinkItem("Something 1", something1var));
     items.Add(MakeMenuLinkItem("Something 2", something2var));
     items.Add(MakeMenuLinkItem("Something 3", something3var));
     items.Add(MakeMenuLinkItem("Something 4", something4var));
     items.Add(MakeMenuLinkItem("Something 5", something5var));

  public ActionResult Index() {
      ViewData["menuLinkItems"] = GetMenuLinkItems();
      /* other controller logic here */


Then, in your actual view code, you will create your menu like this:

<% foreach(var item in (IList<LinkMenuItem>)ViewData["menuLinkItems"])) { %>
  <li <%= item.Highlight ? "class=\"highlight\"" : ""%>><%=item.Text%></li>
<% } %>


The controller makes decisions about which links are highlighted and the view translates those decisions into an HTML / CSS presentation that makes sense to your users.



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