What's the best way to perform JavaScript validation on an ASP.Net page using Masterpage?

I am doing Javascript validation on an ASP.Net page that is inside the master page. The control IDs change, so I can't use the original control IDs for validation. I looked on the net and got a suggestion to build a dynamic script and add it to the page using RegisterStartupScript. I don't like this solution because it is not supported.

What are some ways I can do JavaScript validation on this page and order the customer IDs?

Another solution just asked me to go ahead and use the final client IDs that show up in the browser. This works and I would prefer it to create the script at runtime. What do you think?


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6 answers

It is perfectly acceptable to reference the ClientID using inline code (for example, <%%> tags). The above example doesn't really work; you need to access the DOM ...

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
  var control = document.getElementById('<%= control.ClientID %>');




IMO, copying the final ClientID values ​​displayed in the browser is causing problems. If you change the ID of the control in your code and forget to change it in your javascript, you may not notice until the validation mysteriously stops working. By creating it dynamically, you will at least benefit from compile-time errors.

When I need to access the client id of a control in javascript, I placed a script block at the top of the page:

    var SomeControl = <%= Control1.ClientID %>;
    var AnotherControl = <%= Control2.ClientID %>;
    // etc, etc.


Unfortunately, it still seems like an ugly hack. Future versions of ASP.NET will presumably address this scenario.



The best solution depends on your specific situation. The easiest and most convenient way to handle validation in Asp.Net formats is to use the built-in validation elements. They take the ID of the control you want to validate and then provide client-side (javascript) and server-side validation on that control. They handle auto-connect and javascript generation for you.

If they don't work for some reason and you want to write your own validation functions in javascript, you will need to use something similar to Brant's solution above. As Brant mentioned using

<%= Control1.ClientID%>

in your javascript, it is better to copy the final rendered control id from the browser source because the final rendered control id changes depending on a number of factors, including the control id and the id of any parent controls that it can be nested under it (custom controls, grids , repeaters, etc.) .. ClientID will return the final rendered control ID for each circumstance. This method may sound like a dirty hack, but it's actually a pretty clean approach to handling ID rewriting built into the structure to prevent name collisions. This is the standard method used by many websites.


Another non-executor technique is using jQuery.

Place a custom css class in every control you want to find. If it's a text box, it might look like this:

< asp:TextBox id="NameTextBox" runat="server" cssClass="NameTextBox" >


This should get to the browser like this:

< input id="something_NameTextBox" type="text" class="NameTextBox" >


Then using JQuery you can find the control like this:



You can get the value of a textbox using: $(".NameTextBox").val()

This is not as efficient, finding controls by their ID is faster, but if the page is not too large, this will work fine.



There are two things with js code that need to be satisfied: 1. Edit the JS code in a convenient JS editor. (For example VS) 2. Solid reuse of your control copies.

There is a general approach to ensuring these two things: separate

  • common code independent of customer IDs
  • which depends on specific identifiers.

Shared code can be saved as a .js file or as a web resource if you rarely schedule it. ID dependent code can be organized like in Brant's answer, for example

       var <%=c1.ClientID %> = new SomeJsClass(<%=c1.ClientID %>);
       var <%=c2.ClientID %> = document.getElementById('<%=c1.ClientID %>');


The code that handles these vars can be in a separate .js file.



There are two ways to use it:

in the main device:

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude("somescript", ResolveUrl("some.js"));



HtmlGenericControl JScript1 = new HtmlGenericControl("script");
JScript1.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript");
JScript1.Attributes.Add("src", ResolveUrl("some.js"));




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